Wednesday Night Runs
Weekly Wednesdays 7.30 pm, 225 Johnston Street, Abbotsford
We are currently on our seasonal break
We meet at 7:15pm at Lulie’s Tavern Abbotsford 225 Johnston Street, Abbotsford for a 7.30pm kick-off. All runners are welcome. Run at your own pace.
How we Roll
Rock up ready - get fit, put in your own work. Bag drop available. We'll launch off all together.
Know the route - our route will change from week to week, varying between 8-14 km's. We will email out the route prior to the run. You can also find them below. The urban routes will take us through some of Melbourne’s busiest streets and alleys. This is street running - you’ll learn what you need to do to go hard.
Run hard - there's no need to run with the pack, or to stay with it. Go hard at your own pace, challenge yourself. There's time to socialise after. We have runners of all abilities running at their own best pace.
Finish harder - goes without saying, there's a cold beer waiting after that last kilometre. Earn it.
Drink n eat up - stick around for the other half of the program: dinner and bevies at our home pub - The Retreat Hotel.
Route dates and maps below
Run Routes 2022/23
October 12
Oh Long Johnston - 8.7km
October 19
Merri Go Round - 9km
October 26
November 2
Leon Bridges - 11.6km
Queen Gelato - 10.2km
November 9
November 12
November 16
November 23
November 30
December 7
December 14
Church St Blues - 10.8km
Balayang - 11km trail
Pete N Repete - 8km
Polkadot - 12.5km
The Abbotsford Five - 8km
The Death Star - 14.3km
January 18, 2023
Queen Gelato - 10.2km
January 25
Pete N Repete - 8km
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
March 1
March 4
March 8
March 15
March 22
March 29
Chapel Corby - New route
Woolies Run - 9.9km
Balayang - 11km trail
The Abbotsford Five - 8km
MelBurn21 Race - 21.1km
Oh Long Johnston - 8.7km
Tan Andrews - 12km
Leon Bridges - 11.6km
Church St Blues - 10.8km
Merri Go Round - 9km