2022/23 Summer Race done. Hold your horses for the next one
The J5R is a short, sharp 5km Race.
Too long to sprint. Too short to feel comfortable. Only one mantra: Just Fucking Run (JFR)..
Beers and Pub food after obviously.
See the J5R Route here.
Rising and falling through the Yarra Bend hills - all runners end up at the Teardrop. Choose Left or Right - could be a make or break.
The Prize
JSR singlets up for grabs for Male and Female Winners
Registration + Charity
We’ve put a small $5 entry fee on the run. $5 for 5km. Bring a note and chuck it in the hat.
Half of the entry fees will go to We are Mobilise - we were inspired by Nedd, and we want to do our bit to combat homelessness in Australia. Half will go to making sure that JSR can continue putting on these runs.